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Dr. Daniel Lee is licensed Psychologist, Certified School Psychologist, certified Life Coach with close to 20 years in the field. Recently, he has completed a post-doctoral master’s degree in clinical Psychopharmacology. His interest in self-development, motivation, disappointment, and change led to the creation of Do What You’re Built For (DWYBF), a self-coaching model that challenges people to move past their struggles and issues and decide to be successful. With the support of Pam, Joan and Wellington, he has decided to reboot and expand the DWYBF model as a collective which emphasizes a personal and collective change process using the pillars of community, sacrificial love, trust, and inclusion as driving forces.
He has served in various leadership roles in public and private sectors. He is also the Principal Consultant of N-PSY-T (Pronounced Insight) Psychological Services. These experiences have led to the following professional portfolio: organizational and systems development; educational and behavioral health consultative services; program development and evaluation; assessment and evaluation services and supports; training and professional development; community and parent engagement; behavioral health interventions; coaching and leadership development; research and data analysis, resource development and infusing equity in clinical, organizational, systems and personal growth initiatives.
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