صحتك المسائل. الحصول على ثقافيا الحساسة التوجيه في المسار الخاص بك إلى الشفاء. (215) 660-7990
Nik Von Seggern (they/he), is a Licensed Master Social Worker that works to provide evidence-based treatment for a variety of mental health concerns. They graduated with their MSW from The University of Michigan in 2024. Nik strives to cultivate a space that is welcoming and safe for all clients, which includes a dedication to being anti-racist, anti-ableist, queer/trans affirming, and anti-sexist. Nik specifically focuses on the treatment of PTSD, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, and major depressive disorder.
Nik is currently accepting new clients virtually. To schedule, please contact the front desk.
اتخاذ الخطوة الأولى إلى غد أفضل الآن.
التواصل مع الطبيب أو المعالج ، أو المستشار الذي يحترم وقتك و هو الحساسة الخاصة بك الخبرات الثقافية.